Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis for Back Pain

“Ouch, my back really hurts, can you help?”


The most common therapeutic use of GYROTONIC is in non-specific back pain. (Something very specific is wrong but it is incredibly hard to diagnose and treat). It is has been said that the spine is like a string of beads doing the job of a telephone pole. Alignment is vital to its proper functioning. Tension or lack of mobility at one point affects the whole chain. Often the place where people feel pain is not where the problem originated.


The way in which GYROTONIC and GYROKINESIS principles are applied at 5th Line Bodyworks encourage an exploration of the spine. This exploration unravels the problem and fixes it at the same time. You will get to the root cause of your issue.

GYROTONIC stretches and strengthens. Tension will be released in the areas of pain and most importantly, appropriate strength in the corresponding and supporting abdominal musculature will be addressed.


Other causes of chronic pain – diseases like fibromyalgia or multiple sclerosis – are more difficult to treat, because so little is known about them, but many clients credit GYROTONIC with helping to alleviate symptoms. The undulating movement and connected breathing, provide a gentle massage to connective tissues, organs and nerves, and helps pump lymph and cerebro-spinal fluid. These fluids are only circulated when we move. Better circulation of these fluids means your immune system is healthier, your body does a better job of removing wastes and toxins, and your nerve cells are healthier.


The same is true of arthritis. The best thing you can do to improve the health of your joints is move, but the pain of moving with arthritis can be very acute. There is no blood supply to the joint surfaces, and they get their nutrition from the fluid inside the joint, which circulates when you move. This process is impaired in an arthritic person. GYROTONIC® takes pressure off the joints, making movements less painful and also helps lubricate fluid into the joints. This means your joints have more cushioning and better access to nutrients after every session.